Friday, 8 January 2016

How To Check A Email Address Valid Or Not ?

How To Check A Email Address Valid Or Not ?

Check Validation Of Any Email Address

Today we are here with cool method for How To Check A Email Address Valid Or Not. Today all of you deals with many email addresses daily that is while receiving any email address mails, and also sometime you come across some strange email address that you don’t know that they are valid or not. So we have a way that will help you to check that is email address is safe to deal or not. As there can be a fake email address. So have a look on the method below to check validation of any email address.
The method is quite simple and easy and you can easily use it to trace out any email address. You just have to follow some simple steps below to proceed.

#1 Checking Validation Of G-mail Email Account

  1. First of all copy the email address that you want to check.
  2. Now visit the google password assistance page from here.
  3. There choose I don’t know my password option.
  4. Now paste the email address that you want to scan and click on continue.
  5. If the account is not valid then google will show it and you will be done with this.1

#2 Checking Validation Of Yahoo Email Account

  1. Copy the email address with yahoo and go to the link.
  2. Now click on next button there.
  3. If the account exist you will get proceeded to next step otherwise receive the message that account is not valid.2

#3 Checking Validation Of Outlook Email Account

  1. First of all visit the password reset page of outlook from Here.
  2. Now there choose Forget My Password option and enter the email address.
  3. Now proceed and if the email address is not valid then you will get the message there.3

So above are the ways for Checking A Email Address Valid Or Not. With this you can easily check any email address using the above ways. And similarly another accounts can also be checked using the same trick. Hope you like my post, share with others too. Leave a comment below if you face any trouble at any step.

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